Joining Our School
We hope that you feel St John’s Church of England Primary School would be the right choice for your family. We want to welcome you to St John’s and show you the school we have created and what we can offer your child or children.
Click here to view the virtual school tour. This short film will show you the school in under 3 minutes.
Starting School in Reception for September 2024.
Hertfordshire County Council allocated places at our school for September 2024.
If you would like be considered for a Reception place in. Please see the In Year Admissions section for further information.
Starting School in Reception for September 2025.
For admissions in September 2025, we will have 60 available spaces in Reception. Should the school receive over 60 applications, the oversubscription criteria will be applied. All applications will be placed into two groups – Children of the Christian Faith and Community places (allocated without reference to faith). The available places, after allocation to those children with an EHCP naming the school or children who have been in local authority care, the remaining places will be allocated equally between these two groups, with the oversubscription criteria being used to rank the applications within the groups. We feel that this is fair to ensure that there are places for local families as well as those Christian families looking specifically for a church school. Please note that the group the children applied under is not used to allocate children to a specific class.
National Allocations Day for primary school allocations is the 16th April 2025. You will be told which school you have been allocated by the County Council. Please note that schools are asked not to talk to parents on this day. After the allocations have been released you will be invited to school for a next steps meeting if you have been allocated a place. If you have not been allocated a place, we will write to you to outline the next steps.
How to apply
Applications will open in November 2024. Further information on how to apply will be available closer to the date.
Key Dates for Reception Applications
The key dates for this academic year are:
October – December and early January – School Tours take place. Dates will be confirmed and available to book from September 2025
November – Applications open. You will need to make an application through Hertfordshire County Council. We will post details of how to do this, once applications open.
January – The closing date for on-time applications. You will need to have submitted your application by this date. If you are applying for a place under the ‘Children of the Christian Faith” category, please also submit your completed Supplementary Information Form (SIF) directly to our school by this date.
April – National Allocations Day. The County Council will inform you which school your child has been given a place for.
In Year Admissions
The application must be made using the 2024-2025 In Year Application Form and you will need to submit two forms of documentation showing your current home address.
If you are thinking of moving schools and wish to book a visit, please contact the school office on 01923 255017. In Year Admission Tours usually take place on a fortnightly basis on a Wednesday after school.
Current vacancy status by Year Group – Updated Wednesday 19th June 2024
The following year groups have places available within PAN (Published Admission Number) as of the date above.
Reception: YES
Year One: YES
Year Two: YES
Year Three: NO
Year Four: NO
Year Five: NO
Year Six: NO
Please note that the vacancy information may have changed since this page was last updated as, for example, we only have one space in a year group but that has been filled since this page was updated, or an offer was pending and is then accepted.
In Year Application forms are available from the school office, or you can download one from this page. They must be physically signed and returned to school with the relevant documents confirming the child’s home address. This should be returned directly to the school. We will accept applications via email as long as they are a scanned copy of the signed original and the scanned documents are attached. There is no requirement to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) form for an In Year Application Form.
Once we have received your form, we will inform you within 15 school days whether a place is available. If you would like to tour the school, please contact the school office.
If we offer your child a place, we would expect you to accept within 1 week and for your child to start at our school within 10 school days of the offer. We would, of course, like them to start as soon as possible.
If a place is not available, your child will be placed on our waiting list that operates until the end of the academic year. Should a place become available, we will allocate it to the first child on our waiting list. Places are allocated according to our oversubscription criteria as contained in our Admissions Policy for the relevant academic year.
If you believe that you have grounds for appeal against a decision not to admit your child, Hertfordshire County Council administers the appeals process on our behalf. An appeal must be made in writing and the County Council will provide details of how to lodge an appeal online.
If at the end of the academic year we have not been able to allocate your child a place, you will be able to reapply for the next academic year. We will write to every family still on our waiting list, inviting them to make a new application if they would like to stay on the waiting list.