Parents Forum

What is the “Parent Forum”?

Parent Forums aim to develop the partnership between parents and the school. We hope it will become a valuable way to share ideas and views and to make suggestions.

The aims of the Parent Forum will be to:
· work together to improve the education provided for our children
· share information, knowledge and skills
· meet in a mutually supportive environment
· further improve communications between parent/carers and staff/governors


Who can be part of the Parent Forum?

Any parent & carer of children currently attending St John’s Church of England Primary School are welcome to attend. The meeting will be chaired by one of our governors and a member of the school leadership team. At times other members of the school community will also attend the meetings depending on the agenda items and what the school feels they would like to share with the parents & carers, such as new initiatives.


Why should I be part of the Parent Forum meeting?

It gives you, the parent , an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents, staff and governors to share discussions about your child’s school.


How often will the Parent Forum meet?

Each Term for about an hour.


What will be discussed at the meetings?

Anything related to the school and further developing the partnership between the school and parents & carers. The meetings will be informal and are on opportunity for an open discussion.
It is not the forum to discuss concerns or complaints involving children, families or members of staff.


How can I contribute?

Come to the meeting, email in a question or idea beforehand or contribute during the open discussion.

If you have questions or ideas you would like to raise, please email using ‘Parent Forum’ as the subject.