Our School Uniform
Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform.
Pupils are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times (other than specified non-school uniform days) while on the school premises, travelling to and from school, at out-of-school events or on trips that are organised by the school, or where they are representing the school (if required)
Watford St John’s C of E Primary School uniform is available to purchase from Mapac
Watford St Johns C of E Primary School Uniform Policy – Simplified visual view
Our School uniform
KS1 and KS2 Branded Purple Rucksack
Reception children are given a green, branded book bag
Winter Uniform
Grey shorts, trousers, pinafore dress or skirt
White polo shirt
Branded cardigan or jumper with logo
Grey/white tights/socks
Black shoes (avoid laces unless your child can tie them unaided)
Optional Branded Woolly Hat
Summer Uniform
Grey shorts, trousers, pinafore dress or skirt
White polo shirt
Branded cardigan or jumper with logo
Grey/white tights/socks
Black shoes (Avoid laces unless your child can tie them unaided)
Optional Green and white gingham dress/culottes
Optional Branded Bucket Hat/Baseball Cap
Black shoes
P.E. Kit
Branded PE T Shirt
Black Tracksuit Bottoms or shorts
Sports trainers
At Watford St John’s children in KS2 go swimming. There is no branded uniform however the
children are expected to wear swimming costumes that are modest (ie not bikinis).
There is no branded school coat however, we would encourage non-branded coats for school.
Pierced ears: children are allowed to wear small studded earrings only – this is because accidents can
occur should they have hoops or dangly earrings.
Necklaces and bracelets – items of religious observance can be worn for school; however, this is at
the risk of the parent/carer as accidents can happen when children are doing PE or playing.
Nail polish may not be worn to school.
Hair: all hair that may interrupt learning (going into the eyes of children) must be tied up for learning.
We do not encourage lines or patterns to be shaved into hairstyles. Hair ties/bows must be in school
uniform colours or black. Bows must not be longer than 5cm.
School shoes should be black, and should only have laces when a child is confident at tying laces. PE
Trainers should be suitable for sports; inside and outside.
More information about our school uniform can be found in our School Uniform Policy.